Saturday, March 3, 2007

Week 6 #14 Technorati

Technorati is the center of blogdom. Any kind of registered blog you want to read is residing in Technorati. If you are a lonely person, you can sit and commune with other people's blogs. Listen to their rants, their humor, their passions, make cyber friends, etc. etc. Then there are blogs that are serious. You can find those too. The nice thing about Technorati is that you can broaden or narrow your search. When I searched under the term "librarian" in blog posts with "any authority" in "all languages"I got 122,809 hits. As I refined and narrowed my search to "librarian" with " a lot of authority" in "all languages" I got 2,329 hits. Then when I narrowed the search to "librarian" with "a lot of authority" in "English", then I got 2,177 hits. So, you can filter out the junk and pick up some quality reading / information. Tags and Directory searches seem to be more specific. Tags are not as reliable as directory searches.

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